Its not a ad I paste here
the website is free, but you must get the membership there. the web contains movies and pic all about female footwhorship and foot domination, bare foot and nylon clad foot. enjoy yourself.
I promise its a free site!!
register method:
in the upper little red panel, find the chinese charater 注册(registe) ,then, click it, in second page, click the character 同意(agree) ,then enter the third page, you only need to fill 用户名(ID you prefer to use in this community, you'd better name yourself in a little bit complicated way, because your ID can not be the same with those who already got their menbership). 密码(the password you will use when you log in the web, no less than 6 letters) 确认密码 (repeat your password)
then, your must provide a email address. finally, click 提交(confirm).
after all these, you become the remember of the website. but at the begining, you can only enter some columns which contain pics and BT movies.
if you have any trouble to log in the site, email me to or add me through icq :338756437