Most people respond by saying "your gay". The most logical thing to assume is "your bisexual" but people don't usually even consider that. They jump right to saying your gay, completely ignoring that you also like straight porn. And furthermore, if someone says the like watching mostly straight porn, but enjoys transexual porn on occasion, people again assume that person is gay. As if, liking to watch transexual porn means all desires for straight porn is fake or confusion, and that you really just like dudes, even though transexuals are women born in mens bodies. If someone even says they like something like porn where womens feet are the main attraction, people then say you have a sick foot fetish. Why is it that anything that isn't focused directly on women, means you have deep desires for something else? Can't one just like watching sex, and not have that effect their actual sexual orientation? Thoughts? And no one answers the question. Is it because I'm asking about porn? Is "porn" a taboo topic on YA? Is it because I'm asking about "gay" porn, and any question dealing with "gay" and "porn" is some how offensive? What ever, I just want answers. Thats what this site is for, and I'm being as clear as possible.