I am convinced several men are sexually attracted to my long legs and my long brunette hair. When I go to the hair salon, and get my hair rolled and dried under the hair dryer, and cross my legs, every man in the place stares, so noticeably that this last time, my hair stylist said that when I walk in, it seems like every man in the room stops what they're doing and have their eyes glued on my hair and my legs, and boy do the other women get catty and jealous (I go to a multicultural, unisex salon for men and women). I just smile, and enjoy the attention while my hair is positioned under the warm heat of the dryer (very pleasurable). Long legs and long hair are very sexy to a lot of people and what's wrong about admitting that? Even my boyfriend has the hardest time being open about admitting his sexual turn-ons. My bf has a long leg fetish and a foot fetish, but he won't admit it for love nor money. Why not? I thought we were living in the age of sexual open-mindedness.