Originally Posted by smellnylonfeet
Sure would be neat to see Ty with his nose buried deep into the toe portion of this shoe, as a state policeman was tapping on the car window 
LOL, i can only imagine that too
I have been kinda stalking through a neighborhood where this amazing poor cutie tends to walk around. I think she is 18 but drop dead hot and obviously poor (like a rare diamond in the rough -- unlike any other). Tall, brunette, slim, and small potential for slutty based on her selective blushing smiles. I saw her walking barefoot with some hobo looking guy yesterday and she was so fine. I have seen her in the past once walking with some of her girlfriends and she looked at me and smiled as I drove by, and also turned around sorta waiting for my reaction as I p@ssed by her when she smiled.
Yesterday, she kinda caught my eyes with a surprised look as she turned around from walking to suddenly see me come from nowhere and glance at her eye to eye. I'd love a chance to see her walking alone so I can start out by asking her what size shoe she wears (and let the curiosity build from there). Since she was barefoot yesterday with dirty arched soles, it'd would've been perfect to ask to buy her some shoes, but i wasn't sure if the bum lookin guy walking next to her was her father or not. It looked like they were both carrying some stuff to a destination so I did not bother her.
Anyway, I have been scoping for this chic alot fellas and let me truly say that she may end up being the best looking girl i have ever worked with. It's difficult to truly describe her beauty, but she looks 18 and poor and when she smiles it is amazing (that look in her eyes). And from what I saw of her soles yesterday, she is exactly what I like on all levels.
I will scout and hope I land her, but yeah, it'd be funny as hell if some cop tapped on my window after I've picked up some girl off the streets and been sniffing her toes. I have had all kinds of fantasies like that though with the girl I mentioned above
She deserves an opportunity to decide if she'd like to show off her feet to you guys. I will ask her for sure, but 1st I will ask her if she is over 18 just to make sure, LOL! Would hate for a cop to tap my window otherwise