i always had fantasies when I was in high school, if only I had a key to be able to borrow some girls' shoes for a while after school Hee Hee!
there were so many girls who's gym shoes I dreamed of sniffing too and I'm sure they wouldn't mind me borrowing and maybe making them a little more scent-free for next time they put them on. And besides, there'd be less chance of them being stinky in front of their friends too! that'd be a dream come true for me
Oh, and I can only imagine having to explain myslef to a hot girl after school if she came by and saw me with her locker open and her shoe over her nose, LOL! she'd think I'm a freak fer sure unless I was able to smooth talk her into indulging in some play the way that steve-o always manages to, Tee Hee!