Here is the link, check it out! She is a dancer too and you can tell by the Doctor's face that her feet really do smell like rotten eggs and nachos LOL
funny how at the end they are trying to get her to let someone pee on her feet.
i wish i could be on there and they volunteer me to pee on her feet except i would whip it out and instead of pee'ing i would cum instantly on her feet while i held her fresh stinky ballet shoe over my nose. this would be perfect family programming too.
god she has a gift to give me a hardon every night of the week and i wouldn't change a thing.
boy, i bet my face would constantly smell like her rotten eggs and nacho cheese.
anyone who kissed me after i had my way with her feet would think i had bad hygiene, but little would they know it is actually my fetish, Hee Hee