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General Feet Discussions Express your thoughts on female feet

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Old Jun 15th, 2007, 5:16AM, PDT
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Angry They're trying to Cure us!

How insulting!

I saw this written in the comments section of some foot fetish related article.

The soliciter musta really thought that we are all a bunch of deranged lunatics that need help, LOL If only she knew it was just a subset

Here's her insulting comment:

"Do you have a foot fetish or phobia?

Does the sight of bare feet with beautifully painted toe nails send your libido rocketing? Or do you want to run away and physically v0mit?

Perhaps you?re tired of suffering in silence and being labelled as a ?freak? or a ?weirdo?.

As Producers of a television documentary on the subject, we would like to hear from people with foot fetishes and foot phobias. We want to document your road to a cure in this, sensitive and informative documentary; which will include professional psychologists and psychiatrists.

To tell your story please telephone Katy Kendrick on: 0207 438 1857 or e-mail: katy.kendrick@twofour.co.uk .

Good luck!!"

and here's the article link it came from (in the comments section):

everything on that webpage was just disgusting

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Old Jun 15th, 2007, 10:27AM, PDT
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Wow, that is so messed up.
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Old Jun 15th, 2007, 9:27PM, PDT
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That's just firggin' rediculous...Yeah, like we don't have any trouble with mvrderes, rap!sts, ch!ld abusers and the like, we have to concerntrate on converting people who dig feet...
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Old Jun 16th, 2007, 1:02AM, PDT
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Red face Ludicrous stupidities

Nicely said New guy.

These people definately got it all wrong, what the hell I mean females obviously go out of their way to make their feet look appealing and often they do a good job at it. What do these people think is the whole point of a pedicure and toe jewlery?

"We want to document your road to a cure" this is absurd, smuck morons I hope this documentary never gets off the ground and that these idiots who are cooking up this nonesense can somehow come to realize that they are incorrect, or atleas layoff

Why the hell is it that the idea of sexy feet is still taboo? Despite the facts that most people, including women know that a vast majority of men are attracted to feet?
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Old Jun 16th, 2007, 3:20AM, PDT
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^ exactly, feet are so harmless and there's so much more abusive stuff out there that should require the work of focus groups to try and resolve.

i find it way out of place that they should think we need help when in fact there's a lot of women who get pedicures and take care of their feet quite nicely. and hell, it'd be a total waste of their money and an entire pedicure industry if foot fetishists supposedly were "cured". what a dumbass pursuit and waste of effort

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Old Jun 16th, 2007, 7:46AM, PDT
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Maybe it should be the other way around...

We have to find out what the hell is wrong with people who are not into female feet. Im a Mod on another website that has nothing to do with female feet but I run a thread there exclusively dedicated to female feet thats been going pretty strong for a number of years. As a result of my efforts and my foot fetish bros...we've managed to convert a number of people who never considered, understood and/or really saw the true intoxicating beauty of female feet. These coverted guys are eternally grateful for making them see "The light"

Once you are attracted to female feet there is no turning back...you are a foot fetish guy for life and nothing anybody says or does is ever going to change that. Besides that, I believe that you have to naturally be very sexual to begin with in order to love female feet. Foot fetish guys tend to make great lovers! and no offense to the Brits but it is a British article and the Brits are'nt really known for being sexual people like say the Italians, French or Spanish so in my book..."It Figures" I hear they love feet in Japan!

Last edited by supersizeit : Jun 16th, 2007 at 8:07AM, PDT.
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Old Jun 16th, 2007, 5:54PM, PDT
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Question why no polish?

No offense to the orientals, racism is stupid, but I have notice that many Asians (at leas in the U.S) wear a lot of opened toed shoes which is great, but usually these chicks don't paint their toe nails Anyone else notice this?
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Old Jun 17th, 2007, 1:51AM, PDT
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Originally Posted by supersizeit View Post
As a result of my efforts and my foot fetish bros...we've managed to convert a number of people who never considered, understood and/or really saw the true intoxicating beauty of female feet. These coverted guys are eternally grateful for making them see "The light"
very interesting to see it work out this way. for me i got hooked early in life (when I was like 4-6 yrs old).

I guess it's very possible for similar triggers to occur late in life too where people can catch on to this beauty.

I do think you're somewhat right about the general predisposition of certain regions to liking feet. may have something to do with the "romance languages" too LOL. but seriously though, i heard that sh0wering less frequently is an accepted norm in britain so that might not help if some really stinky feet are thrown up in some guys face for converting him.

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Old Jun 17th, 2007, 1:52AM, PDT
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Originally Posted by eadster View Post
but usually these chicks don't paint their toe nails Anyone else notice this?
i've noticed that too, but in general with those women my eyes are automatically shifting away to look for some other feet. not entirely sure why

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Old Jun 20th, 2007, 3:09PM, PDT
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Hmmmmmmmm,I don't have a problem that I know of...
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