omg, very great story and i can just imagine these scenarios happening too cuz so many times, i've seen women dance in a club and kick off their shoes under their table leaving them vulnerable for the average shoe sniffer out there.
this is very relatable to me and probably alot of other foot fetishists too who just want to bury their noses in that toe stink and sniff!
i especialy loved the way you described the scenario using great fitting imagery like us crawling under the table like worms LOL and also making a "Beeline" for privacy in the men's restroom LMAO!!!
those were great, but the best part of the story IMO was how you reconciled the end with our constant moral dilemna which is of course the question of how do we get out of the bathroom after we've blown our loads on ourselves and also, how do we explain to the girls what we did to their shoes if they catch us on the way out and we've already left that creamy present inside LOL
my oh my, i wish steve-o had made president instead of obama cuz steve-o could lead us thru these tough times of what to do in these common difficult predicaments and provide us with a solid answer on how to move forward, Hee Hee