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Old Apr 9th, 2013, 6:30PM, PDT
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Default Open Question: Paranoia about sex life, smells and hair...?

Ok so im a 17 year old guy, And im a virgin.. never had sex in my life! Only sex ive had is with some guy friends that I knew a couple of years ago. But that wasnt real sex, we was just experimenting with ourselfs. I have a foot fetish, but Im really worried as I have premature ejaculation while masturbating. I masturbate once a day (during midnight time area) And im really scared that im going to be all embarased when i have sex for the first time, due to the premature ejaculation, and cum to quickly. Also my pubic hair is extremely frustrating. It gets very long and all bushy, and occasionally some pieces fall out. Also after I masturbate, once I have ejaculated, later that day when I urinate or pull my pants down, the area around my penis smells like a sour salt smell. What is this smell? Its only after masturbation that this smell occurs. And I do not think any of these problems are just 'puberty' as I started puberty at the age of 12 and things started staying the same around the age of 15 /16. Thank You for your time.

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