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Old Sep 16th, 2008, 11:19PM, PDT
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Default Open Question: Question about my tickle fetish?

Im 17 and i currently have a girlfriend and weve been goin out for a year and 2 mnths. Ive had this tickle fetish ever since i can remember and i just dont know how to tell her. i already told her bout my foot fetish and she mocked me about it for a couple weeks but finally she let me start massaging them and stuff and everynow and then id sneak a lil tickle in there and shed yelp and its the cutest thing ever. Its kind of a prob for me because i watch and "pleasure" to those tickling videos and try to imagine me doin it to her but im ready for the real thing...i dont want her to look at me weird or mess up our relationship by tellin her this but im sick of bottling it up..imean i poke her lots and lots and she points out that i tickle and mess with her all the time and she even pokes me back but i just think that what i WANT to do would be a lil much in her mind but its something ive always wanted to do? HELP?

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