I was talking to some of my girlfriend's friends, and they seemed constantly surprised that I knew even the most basic stuff. At first I got angry and thought they were racists, but they explained that her usual "type" was "brainless thugs". I asked my girlfriend, and she said this was pretty much true! She explained she couldn't really get turned on by a someone unless they scared her a little. (I should mention that I am 6 foot 4, black, and have some rather offensive tattoos I got when I was yovng and stupid.) Now, this sort of explains a lot. I've come to think this relationship is an expression of a "gangsta fetish" and effort to piss off her parents. A while back she invited me to her sister's birthday. Her parents are a bit "snooty" so I wanted to dress up to make a good impression, but she kept telling me to dress casual. Turns out it was a full blown quincinera (people still have those?) and I was in a T shirt while everyone else was in a suit. ...and that's another thing. She keeps wanting me to wear a T-shirt. I have some gang related tattoos that would be dangerous to where in some places. Also, this town is REALLY racist and has a lot of speed traps. I find if I get stopped with tattoos showing the cops kick into "gang-banger" mode and I end up getting frisked with a gun pointed at me... So, is it racist that she kinds me "scary"? If she finds the "scary" a turn on, should I care? Our relationship is fine aside from this. We're both in college.