LADIES! Im a shopaholic... Its serious I need help

Okay I have a serious problem... I have come to understand that. Its bothering me because now Im pregnant and I know I will go CRAZY for me and my baby!!! I must admit, I don't buy clothes from wal*mart (no offense to anyone IM JUST CRAZY)Kmart, or any place where I can buy my groceries at. Im so shallow and very picky about the clothes that go on my back. Maternity clothes is VERY expensive and I do plan to invest in some(HOPEFULLY IN MODERATION). Lets not mention my shoes I have a SERIOUS shoe fetish, I buy $100.00 pair of shoes that I like, mind you the might hurt my feet but they look pretty in my closet, adding a touch of flare and style to my collection. My mom, my boyfriend, and everyone around has told me I have a shopping problem. Im worried because I NEED to learn how to prioritize and buy what is only necessary and MAYBE indulge every once in a while, but not go over board with it... For example my parents just bought a coffee shop, Im running it and everything.... So Im saving all my TIPS to buy these, because I feel that God put these Boots in my path so that I can rock them with a denim mini and a sexy black turtle neck... (After my baby of course) Check'em out... But as far as my problem, has anyone ever dealt with this and how? Yeah by the way these boots are $400 Hahahaha... Alexia you know me girl... I just ran across them, BUT I showed them to my mom, and she said she will go half with me if the sales at the coffee shop go up by October

Alexia man you got me here laughing my ass off
