This question is intended for male and female homosexuals only. I want to understand you better. I do not understand why you people are so hated. The difference between you and me is the way you like to have sex. I like to do some pretty freaky junk in the bedroom and I am not afraid of giving a little zooma-zooma in the 'boomah to my girl when the spirit moves me. I don't understand the attraction to other men and I think it's gross BUT I also think some of the stuff I like to do with my woman is gross- which is why I don't talk about it with others- which brings me to my point, or rather my question:Is homosexuality more than just a sexual preferance or possibly a fetish? If not why the urge to make it public and why the intense stress when you have to hide it? Example: If I liked feet sexually (I don't) I would not feel oppressed & limited w' people in life if I felt I couldn't reveal this thing about me. I also wouldn't feel the need to walk around with a shoe around my neck???