I found this foot model, Aisha, on some streets where prost!tutes are common. Undercover police actually tailed me when I picked her up all the way back to my home.
A strange civilian van blocked us in my driveway when I made it home and two guys wearing necklace badges ordered us out of the vehicle to be cuffed. This was very scary for Aishu and I both.
As she was being cuffed, she started telling them that we were not planning to engage in sex and this was in fact gonna be some foot modeling for videotape. The cops immediately laughed it off like it was some cheezball excuse because they totally felt like they had caught us redhanded (and so did I for the initial seconds).
After Aisha spoke the truth, I quickly gathered my own thoughts from the shock of going to have my vehicle seized and I realized Aisha was exactly right. I started telling the cops about various pieces of evidence that would serve as my alibis (ie. model contracts and cameras already pre-setup in my room, website, etc.).
They took some time to call back to base and deliberate, then came back and uncuffed Aisha. They said it was our lucky day. I asked if it was still okay and legal to go inside and film her feet. They said yes and walked back to their undercover van shaking their heads in a sorta smiling way as if they could not believe what the world is coming too when they can't legally put a perveted foot fetishist where he belongs: behind bars, LOL!
That was the short version of our episode with these cops and 100% true
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...credited from
this Clips4Sale Clip.