It all started when I was kid about 6 myself. I had a cousin who was about 8 years older that would enjoyed sitting on me or pinning me down on the floor with her foot. I can also recall a time when I was about 6 when I was playing with a girl about 10. We were planning to go down a slide together and she said "You better go down behind me because I might sqoosh you!" Today I'm no longer a kid but for some reason I find it very amusing to find little boys somehow squished or crushed by an adult female. Like last week I saw a rather plump sized woman sit on a boy of about 9's lap at Barnes & Noble and derived pleasure from it. She was just playing of course and I don't like to see others in pain but for some reason I derive pleasure from watching adult women overpowering or squashing little boys like this. An example would be this YouTube video