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Old Jun 23rd, 2013, 4:01PM, PDT
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Default Open Question: Has anyone ever sold flip flops to anyone on craigslist who has a foot fetish?

This guy advertised on craigslist looking for women with worn flip flops. He says he is willing to pay for each worn pair of flip flops. I've been looking for ways to make some extra cash but I just don't know if I should fall for this. If it is legit, I could make a good chunk of cash, if it's not some guy will have my picture, name and might scam/try to take advantage of me. I have emailed him and he claims he's legit. He says that we would meet in a public place for the exchange. Has anyone ever sold something weird on craigslist without a hitch?He has asked for pictures of my flip flops and he wants to know what I look like because he wants flip flops from beautiful women.

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