Hey all. Right, Ive just started a new school bout 2 months back where ive settled into a nice new circle of friends. You can imagine the kind... Anyway, in this group there are a couple of girls that have this weird obsession with giving wedgies. (One wears panties and the other wears a thong- some background info there XD) Goes without saying, the most common victim is each other... When they pull it off (on each other or someone else) they usually go to someone and lift up their skirt then grab their underwear either from the back or the front and then pull it right up. They also have this kind of "double team move" where the two of them approach some girl from two sides and then give them this skirt lifting wedgie from the front and back or the two sides. They do this to each other quite alot and seem to be completely cool with it but when they do it to the other girls they seem fine with it too. Most of them either playfully slap their hands away or try to give them a wedgie back before laughing it off which just seems weird to me. Anyway, they've recently given me a few of these wedgies (and have double-teamed me once- lifted me right off my feet) so I laughed it off each time but I still find it weird. Seems kinda like they have a fetish... almost... As I'm sure you can guess, Im not too keen about having my underwear pulled up my backside, or my frontside either especially if my skirts lifted up first so everything is on show and its in school so anyone can see. So my question really is what do I do? I don't want to fall out with someone and leave this friendship group as theyre mostly alright people, including those two girls. I dont really want to bring them up about it either as everyone seems to treat it as a bit of fun and I dont want to be the one that ruins it if you get what I mean. But at the same time I find it completely weird and even weirder that the others treat it as normal. Most people I knew would be completely disgusted by it and never speak to those girls again. The other option is to put up with the wedgies but after they double teamed me Im not too up for that either- too much pain
