Thankyou for posting this super stuff from feetweek berk, yeah your right that babe Nicole does not show her face. I used to be a member of that site a couple years ago. I loved it!!, but they changed their movie clips from wmv to that dumb quicktime. So I have'nt been a member in her site now for some time. But boy's do I LOVE them shiny black patent ankle strap pumps she wears alot in her pic sets and movie clips.

And I'd DIE to be that guy that is in the site with her, wonder if he is a boyfriend or what? And YES, Tyler Stevie did start whacking off fer sure when I checked this stuff out. Alsmost blew my load to soon

Maybe I'll join again sometime if I can figure out that dumb quicktime player. But I'am use to the regular windows media player cause that is what I have and know how to use, oh well. Thankyou again for posting this neat stuff berk

Stevo Shoe snd Nylon Freak