Hey, As a 21 year old male, I can't go without saying that I haven't been the most successful in having a G/F. Recently, I found a great way to lose my virginity, so I took it. I went out,and got one of those infamous newspaper ads, and went out, promised my self to check it out, and if something looked even the tiniest bit wrong, I'd walk away. Needless to say I got there, almost chicked out, but actually to my surprise gained enough courage to go in. After about 10 minutes, I was graduated from "virginity" college, and felt much better. Now I find it so fun and easy to go out, have a great time for around $ 50 dollars, and have a interaction with whatever you want. Asian, Indian, white, whatever. Why do so many people frown on this and think only desperate losers go and perform these acts. I have a job, I got to college, have my own car, and am probably smarter than half of the people that go on here. If you were a girl, would you go out with someone like me knowing these facts? (Of course no girl in real life would

Heheheheh). Also, something else that I discovered, is that you can fulfill you're craziest fantasies at the fetish section. For example, its all legit, if I have a foot fetish, which I do, there are insanely great looking girls who offer their own private services. Thank you.