Hi, I'm relatively new here but appreciate the fact that I'm still here. I mean, I've been on different foot fetish sites and was tossed off on my ear. Why? Well, simply put, I did not fit in with their view of a foot fetish. I mean, I am not into trampling (although, if you and your little lady are, that's great); I'm not into smelling dirty feet (again, if you and your little woman are, that's your business and great); I'm definitely not into foot domination (neither desire to be dominated nor desire to dominate anyone....but, as usual, if that's what flips your switches, I accept you for that. If you and your ladylove love that, GREAT/SUPER....go for it!). However, it is not for me. I have believed too long in the equality of the sexes to change now. Many dominatrixes that I've spoken to are rather short with me, haughty, and down right unfriendly. Again, sorry, but that's not my cup of tea. I'm too gentle and soft for that sort of routine, anyway (I need a pretty woman of like needs). I'm also not into ballbusting (the mere thought of that makes me ill....but, I still say if you and your girlfriend like that, fine....okay...wonderful). Therefore, many of the websites that learned from my profile that I did not desire such foot fetish activities...well, once they saw that, they banned me. Once some others got wind of my banning (I guess they were somehow linked), they followed suit. They said they were general in nature but, obviously, were not. So, I'm thankful to the management here for retaining me for so long. I hope my welcome lasts.
But, I do have some questions. What are my fellow foot fetishes here into? Now, I know that one lady says she is into face standing (ouch!...I have a question about that: ever broken a guys nose or cheek bones? Just curious). Regardless, what are each of my new friends and fellow members of the site into? What are your preferences and dislikes...I mean, in detail. If you like a woman kicking your balls, tell why. Maybe even describe the safeguards (if any) a little. I read this one site wherein a guy was kicked until his balls swelled to about the size of a grapefruit. Again, I say OUCH! That could do some damage. So, how do you prevent that if you are into that? If you enjoy being dominated or dominating, tell why, please. I've found that for some it is merely an isolated sexual event but with others it is a professional total life attitude. Therefore, what are your thoughts? If you enjoy smelly feet, why? Now, me, I'm into a clean/hygienic woman. Why? I don't like foul odoours for one (they turn me off sexually) and am a rather clean-natured type of guy. I even hate it when I have offensive odours. But, what's your preference and why?
I'm always interviewing, gathering data, and trying to understand the need of a foot fetish....basically, trying to understand myself. So, open up and talk. No need to be defensive. I'm friendly. I'm not judgmental on the issue. I accept you for who you are in this...I just hope you all (dominatrixes if present not excluded) will accept me. Hey, by the way, if there are a few dominatrixes out there, I'd sure love to be friends....please? I've had dominatrixes say they don't have male friends (slaves only to them) but I cannot believe all are this way.
Anyway, let's have a wonderful dialogue! Your friend and fellow site member, Paul 11/13/05 PS: Again, my thanks to management for retaining me this long.