Working as a janitor in the high-rise office buildings in Chicago is'nt the low-life worm you'd expect it to be. Whereas we have alot of snow here and the ladies that work as secretary's are required to wear heels in the office, it's the purr-fect job for a shoe freak pervo such as myself. The ladies all carry their heels to work and slip into them once they are seated at their office cubicles. And most wiil just leave their smelly high heel work shoes under their desk's or in a desk drawer. Seeing these yummmmmy DE-light's laying empty under their desk's is a dream cum true for the freak that I'am. Oh yes!!, I steal the shoe's I like the most and the shoe's that are worn by the most cute office sluts. Not only is it a sheer treat to enjoy the aroma from their shoes, it's also a real treat to be a wh0re myself and wear their stinky DE-LIGHTS