Lat night I had the house to myself because the rest of my family was going to a concert I had no interest in... So last night, I stayed up late to watch TV before getting an uncontrollable desire to go for a walk in shorts and tights. I went in my sisters room and got a pair of nice, glossy, translucent tights and a pair of black shorts. I also got one of her jumpers and a body warmer. (We're basically he same size in everything...). Finally, I had to get some shoes. I chose some open toe flats. I then went on my walk. It was amazing, I felt so alive! It felt as if all the tension that had built up over my longing to have been born into a girls body was suddenly being released. Some man looked at me and called out "tranny", but I didn't care... I just said to him, "pervert" and carried on my way. Anyway, when I got home I just went upstairs and led on my bed, still in my sisters clothes, looking down at my feet in my shoes. This is when my barefoot fetish came out. I went back to my sisters room and took her clothes off. I got a pair of my shorts on, that came up to halfway up my thigh. I also put on a jumper and hat and scarf. I didn't put any socks on because I was planning on going on a barefoot walk. It was about 2:30 am before I left on my walk. I went out planning on going along a country side walkway by my house and down a road to get to the high street to get back to my house. The ground was wet under my feet on the Tarmac, before I reached the country path. It had been raining so it was really muddy and my feet quickly became covered in mud, as well as splashes up to my knees. If anything, I preferred this to the first walk. I loved the textures of the ground on my feet. The best part was when I walked along the high street with cars going past, it was so exhilarating, knowing people could see me barefoot walking. My question is what do you think of people with habits and fondnesses like mine?