I'm curious on any of your inputs...I am a male and have a female roommate. She's great and we get along really well. Now, I'm wondering what to make of this:Almost every night we hang out on the couch and she usually asks me to hold her feet since she's always cold and I'm warm. This usually ends with us passing out on the couch but I always seem to wake up with her feet pushed up against my face. I'm not one of those folks who get grossed out by feet (well females' at least). However, a few times I noticed when I would wake up from her feet being in my face she would supposedly be waking up too but I get the feeling she enjoys putting them in my face.I guess I'm just wondering I any of you suspect she may have a fetish or something else or nothing.Thanks for your replies!Oh and by the way, no this doesn't make me feel uncomfortable nor does it annoy/bother me in anyway. So its not like one of those things where I desperately need to know to the point where I have to bring this up to her. I was just curious of y'alls opinion is all. In fact, if she did enjoy it or even has a fetish I honestly wouldn't mind letting her bc it really doesn't bother me and her feet don't stink.