Loved those pics steve-o!!

Got a ton more existing unseen content with Chevy Gordan too (when I get the time to post it) and will be filming even more with her on top of that soon enough.
Originally Posted by smellnylonfeet
So was she one of them homeless babes?
Kinda-sorta -- I found her on some bad streets. She's in between living locations alot but works the streets. I met her over the phone initially thru my other street girl,
Kim Carter, who you might recall. Anyway, weeks after our phone intro, i happened to drive thru Chevy's bad neighborhood (last week) and picked her up by the oddest coincidence. As soon as she saw my car (before even talking to me, face to face), she knew i was "the footguy" based on other working girls' descriptions that they previously told her about me. Chevy automatically knew we were gonna have some foot fun and she was enthused to go back home with me to earn some money.
Originally Posted by smellnylonfeet
And does she really have size 10 feet?
She says size 9 on camera, but we measure them with a ruler on camera too and the ruler says 10 inches.
Originally Posted by smellnylonfeet
Does she jerk you off alot?
She massages my cock alot with her hands for various sniffing and licking scenes, but for each of our 3 shoots thus far, we've saved the cumshot for when she jacks me nice and tight with her toes (or her soles) at the end of each shoot (even penetrated her pussy in one shoot). So far, done 3 shoots with her. She is eager to do more once I get my camera back from a repair shop in California.