i was with a lad for about 3 months over last summer and we had no end of fun but sometimes I felt i was second best and was treated to 1 meal out in all the time i was with him .. and he was a popular lad so every girl wants him ... I was flattered I was with him! but he knew he was lovely looking though! Now am with a quite lad how I have known for 2 years (same class in college) and we have lots in common

I've been with him now 5months and just this last week we had our first argument. I know my current boyfriend would give me the world ( been on a Dublin trip/holiday with him already

which was bliss) My ex has a foot fetish and keeps texting me for fun ... but his new girlfriend has found out he is textin me and wants to make sure that he isn't seeing me and texts me about it ... I've had to tell him about it - and said their r'ship is on the rocks.... what am i meant to think..... i still think of him and wonder what it would have been like if we stayed together after the summerwhat do i do... ?he texts me every week and asks to have 'fun' .. i cant hurt my current boyfriend! HELP