I'm not, and I repeat not attracted to any of the sexes per se, and I'm not confused about this--I know so. But I have a fetish for men's feet. I also strongly believe that this wouldn't make me gay, going by the answers I've looked up for men with a fetish for men's feet. But what I'm confused about is if this makes me sexual or if I can call myself asexual. To all those ignorant people who are confused about what I'm talking about, look up "asexual" in a dictionary or Wikipedia or something. Asexuality is a kind of sexuality where the person is not attracted to either sex. Just like "bisexual" does not mean that the person is both male and female. Sexuality is divided into heterosexuality, homosexuality, bisexuality and asexuality. I'm surprised that you people are actually answering questions in the psychology section without even knowing this much.