How do you like this pair of shiny black patent Steve Madden sandals I found in ebay this evening?? I absolutely love them! And think I'll be bidding on them to add to my ladies shoe collection

Anyway, I would like to get Jessica Simpson to slip these sandal heels on and take her out to eat at a ritzy restaurant. She could play footsie with me under the table as we enjoyed our meal of shrimp and lobster. And I'd be dying for our meal to end so I could get my nose in between her hopefully SHRIMPY smelling toes.

I'd take her to the nearest motel I could find. Once inside our room I'd have her use a video cam corder to video tape me as I sniffed her toes while she still kept these sandals on her feet. It'd be neat to suck on her toes while she still had these shoes on. I bet she'd be laughing like a little girl as I licked and kissed her pretty tootsie's. Anyone intersted in seeing our video????????