View Full Version : Open Question: What do you do if you have a foot fetish and you're straight?

Apr 3rd, 2008, 10:40PM, PDT
I am a straight guy, but I fantasize about guy's feet often. I dont think about having sex with guys, and I really dont find it appealing (to each his own), but I am confused because I don't know if it makes me bisexual or not. I really dont think it does, because the idea of sex with another male does nothing for me, and is actually repulsive (no offense to anyone, I respect you if you like it). The thing is, that it's a guy's masculinity and cockyness that makes their feet attractive to me. I also occasionally like to feel important to other guys, but I could never see myself kissing them or anything like that.With what I know so far, that I have a foot fetish, and that it's okay, where do I go from here? How do I get other guys to understand or want to put their feet on me? It is mostly straight males i am attracted to, so what am I supposed to do?

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