View Full Version : Open Question: to women what do you think about kisses and massages in the feet?

May 31st, 2007, 2:52PM, PDT
im not fetish but i like the feet too much and i think kiss them is love for me and i love all the woman and treat them like they roses they are if you say say tha im foot fetish is wrong even if i like too muchim fethish but all the woman of course just one my love forever i think high heels are so sexy and beautiful in a woman so any man like see that even if tthey are not foot fetishso to resume im think that love your gf o wife to head to feet is the true love and is sweet and the majority of the women like feel that but men dont like do that to their gf or wifei think is not nasty if the feet are ever clean and good care of themso ladys what do you think??? thank you so much for answer thisa rose for you ladys and god bless you forever

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