Nov 9th, 2006, 10:13PM, PST
i am male 17 years old , i read in the internet that-women are not visual as men-women have low sexual drive and desire because low levels of testestseron"men very more"-women have less interest in sex- i find that also in real daily life..men look at women in streets,beaches but wome nowomen wear sexy clothes to turn men on , but men dont because women not interestall media focus on woman body not manall porn is for men and focusing on woman's bodyall religions ask women to cover body not man , isnt that mean man's body not important for woman?men have lots of fetishes and fantasies but women no, we cant find forexample a woman worship man's feet or love his clothes or underwears....etc-some women say that men are not physical and visual the are only emotional , but i think man is also more more emotional ,we who give flowers and gifts to our lover,who we kneel and kiss hands and sometimes feet , we who make poemso please ladies do you really want us?desire us?do you really desire us or youu just engage us,marry us for just getting kids and for money,power,security....etc
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