View Full Version : Open Question: Why are men much more unusual in their fetishes when compared to females?

May 30th, 2008, 7:54PM, PDT
Females have certain fetishes, and they are very tame ones. some women have a fetish for men who are only 6'0 and taller. some women have fetishes for men who have a full head of hair. some women have fetishes for men who are built big. the list can go on, but as you can see, its pretty tame. Guys tend to have unusual fetishes. Many guys love female feet. I certainly do not care for them, but the truth is many guys do. and i can go on and on about some unusual fetishes that guys have. most of them can not be posted here as they would v!olate community guidelines. Why are guys such weirdo's? Why can't we be more normal? What is wrong with us? Voice of Reality- that makes a ton of sense!

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