View Full Version : Open Question: Why is male foot fetish (socks and barefeet) primarily attractive to males only?

Jan 11th, 2008, 8:41PM, PST
I love walking around college in just white socks on my feet - even if I'm the only one. It gets me "excited" and I love the way women react to this - especially if they giggle and they think it's kinda cute. I'm not macho, but I am a man with a sensitive side - BUT I'M DEFINITELY NOT GAY! I just wonder why most or all of the web sites devoted to male bare feet and male sock feet have to be gay ones with other men? Why can't there be more heterosexual male foot fetish sites with many women as members? I would sure LOVE to find a good site that is heterosexual in this nature.

More... ( http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080111152313AANEvr6 )