View Full Version : Open Question: Why do girls like to put their feet all over you?

Aug 18th, 2008, 5:45AM, PDT
I don't have a foot fetish but at the same time feet don't really bother me. I am 15 years old and I noticed that a lot of times girls try different things with their feet on me...1) Sometimes they put their feet in my face2) They always want foot rubs3) They put their feet on me a lot in general4) If I'm sitting on the floor and they're sitting on a chair or couch they always rub their feet on my lap.5) I've been asked if their feet smelt and they put them in my face6) FootsiesLike I said, I don't have a fetish for this. It's just something I noticed. Any reason girls do this? Has anyone else noticed this?

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