Jan 10th, 2007, 3:50AM, PST
Ok yeah yeah im sure its time for the barrage of fetish comments but lets try and avoid those because I have already accepted the fact I most likely have a mild fetish. So without sugar coating anything... why do I find women who have soft pretty feet appealing to me? Is it because on some level I might be thinking "any woman who takes care of her feet takes care of herself"? Also I have noticed that if a woman has large yet soft and supple feet that its even more of a turn on. Like if a woman has some size 11 or 12 feet I cant help but look lol. Ok does anyone else have any ideas where this can stem from? Do you all think its disgusting? Slightly odd? Normal? Does anyone else have this going on with them? As for the women do any of you find this disgusting or do you find it common in alot of guys? Anyways have a nice day everyone.
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