View Full Version : Open Question: Do White girls love Asian feet?

Oct 20th, 2008, 8:22PM, PDT
Perhaps someone can help explain me what is "foot fetish" and if I have or no. I am Chinese-Malaysian, 18 years old, and I've been studying here in U.S. for half a year. My college roommate is a American girl. She has blonde hair and all the guys think she is SO sexy SO pretty. (I also have white guys say I'm very sexy! ) She usually wears tennis shoes in our room. For me this is a strange custom because in my culture we are always bare foot inside. The reason that I wonder if I have "foot fetish" is because I LOVE touching her with my feet.In my culture it is very offensive to touch someone with feet but she does not mind. In fact she says my toes are very pretty. When she sits on my bed I put my feet on her lap. Then she massage my feet and makes me feel comfortable. In Malaysia you can only get foot massage for money. My family would not beleive I have gwai lou ang moh roommate who massage my feet for free!!One time I even put my feet on her shoulder. I stroke her cheek and hair with my toes! I laughed because in my culture this would be a very bad insult! I did not tell her of course! I am not cruel and I am not lesbian. But I love doing this to her. I think because it makes me feel power. In my country most people look up to white people. Yet I can put my bare feet on top of a pretty white American girl and she just smile!Anyway, does this mean I have "foot fetish"? Do all Americans not mind feet on them? I would like to know. Thank you.Elsie, You want to be my footstool?Hahahhaha, I think you really love Asian feet yes? Perhaps I will let you be my footstool.Jenny, Do you want me to rub my feet on your pretty face? Hahahaha, you white girls are so funny!We Asians would never be so humble!Daniella, you are a silly white girl!You should beg for my sexy Asian feet!

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