View Full Version : Open Question: wear tomorrow for class need outfit asap?

Mar 4th, 2008, 9:08PM, PST
I have a foot fetish class to go to tomorrow and i need something to wear for it shirts 1. white sleevless shirt 2. white tank top 3. navy blue sleevless shirt 4. red converse sleevless shirt pants 1. cargo pants 2. cargo shorts accessories i have to wear at least 3-5 things 1. Silver metal Necklace 2. Hemp Ankh Neckalce 3. Silver Industrial Necklace 4 White Rubber Bracelet 5 Timex Red/Black watch 6 Toe Ring what hat 1. Uga Hat 2. Shield Crete Hat 3. Jsu Hat shoes 1. Asics Blue/Silver Shoes 2. Grey Nike Darts 3. A/e Retro Jogger Shoes 4. Vans Slip ons also my feet are required to be stinky for the class so i have to wear shoes w/o socks too and i need comfy clothes b/c i have to be tied up and my feet are gonna be in stocks and they are gonn tickle them and run the whartenber pin wheel over them also it wil be 65 degrees

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