Mar 4th, 2007, 10:20AM, PST
Hi Im going to sight seeing in a little while any way I will need a Outfit to Wear today also My G/F want me to wear Shoes Without Socks B/c she has a foot fetish. it should be about 74 degrees 1. Navy Blue Nautica T-Shirt 2. White Aereopostal T-Shirt 3. Navy Blue Aeropostal T-shirt 1. Light Blue Nautica Jeans 2. Union Bay 3. Dark Blue Nautica Pants 4. Cargo Pants 1. American Eagle Retroquest Jogger Shoes 2. NEW BALANCES 3. Old Nike accessories must be 2 or more 1. Black grey Necklace 2. Herringbone Anklet ( Girlfriend wants me to wear it) 3. A/E Cross Chain 4.Puka Shell Necklace 5. Sliver toe ring 6. Rope Necklace also while i am sight seeing& and shopping should I get my Ear Pierced or My Hair Braied or get my Navel Pierced
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