View Full Version : Open Question: I want to help my brother?

Nov 14th, 2007, 11:11AM, PST
My 19 year old brother has a serious foot fetish that has cost him a costly lesson. It all started at the college library where he told me that a Mexican yovng couple wearing flip flops was sitting on a cubicle he sat on the other side of the cubicle which has a wall to put your books. He saw this couple get barefoot so he bend down and put his Movado Esperanza watch close to the males bare soles so he could see his soles close to the watch but my brother plan to get the watch back but someone came by there table and my brother left in embarrasement to wait for the other person to leave. So what happen the male put down his bare soles as his he did they step right on the watch. So my brother left but he said that the male kept the watch under his barefeet while he talk to the other person could anyone guess why he kept the watch under his barefeet all that time and what can I do to help my brother foot fetish.To make it clear he put his watch under his barefeet so he could see the males soles and toes move all around close to his watch. My brother plan to bend down and pick up his watch when someone else came to talk to the couple so my brother left before they could see he was there and the watch stay there under the male barefeet.

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