View Full Version : Open Question: Ugly Feet a problem with you??

May 11th, 2007, 8:13AM, PDT
When summer comes round I always fear people showing their feet. I cant stand mankey feet that are dry and dirty. Most people have bad feet so why show them? I dont have a foot fetish but I do like womens feet to be just so. I like cute feet not big chunks of beef! and if your gona wear flip flops guys and girls make sure your nails are cut. Nothing worse than having a nice girl with horrible feet that she wants you to rub. I this my balls would pack up and leave. I imagine its the same for women only without the balls.. you would just leave. so my question is would it matter to you what your partners feet look like? By the way my feet are perfecto - well almost. put it like this i can stand to look at them.

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