View Full Version : Open Question: I was told by my wife that I have a talent for causing "Mind Blowing" orgasms. Am I a freak?

Jul 9th, 2008, 12:08AM, PDT
I tickle her for long periods in both nylons and bare legs and feet. She never had orgasms in he past before we met. I use Sex toys on her and do this for long periods of time 30min+. I feel like I have a weird talent but I don't understand why women can't have orgasms easily. I would like to know what women think. I find this easy. Why are women having such a hard time with their men not giving them orgasms. We discuss this and I would like to know what women think. I introduced her to my little tickling fetish and at first I was reluctant. I pay attention to what pleases her and I often dont ask for anything in return because she is so exhausted. What am I doing Right that others are not? Should I share this?

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