View Full Version : Open Question: I suspect my wife is cheating?

Jan 24th, 2008, 10:53PM, PST
It seems like everytime we go to a movie and another guy sits next to her she announces that she has to take off her shoes.Then she leans back in the seat so far and crosses her leg so that her stocking foot is touching her leg.Then she moves around a lot in her chair.The same when I have guy friends over for dinner she always has to announce her shoe removal.A couple of times at dinner I see my guy friends acting strange and she is acting strange too like something is going on under the table.Then I put it all together maybe she likes guys voyeuring her feet and she's playing footsie with them.She never mentioned this fetish to me we never play footsie but have given her a foot rub once a month.Is she playing footsie with these men and gets off on it?

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