View Full Version : Stole the bank teller's SHOES!

Nov 29th, 2009, 1:32PM, PST
:lildog: :lildog: :lildog: :lildog: Was in my local bank the other day when I noticd that the very cute n pretty bank teller had her damn shoes OFF and they were laying under her chair. So I was drewlling all over myself seeing her pantyhosed toes and them darn shiny patent leather wh0re shoes just laying these asking to be SNIFFED! I followed her home in my car when the bank closed at 5:00. After she went inside I crawled around on the ground outside the house to get a peek in her window. I see her toss her shoes onto the floor as she went into the bathroom; {guess she was gonna take a sh0wer}. Anyway I crawled in through the window and STOLE her smelly shoes!!!!!!!!!! How do they look on me:ohmy: :blush: :ohmy: :lildog:

Foot Loops
Nov 29th, 2009, 3:38PM, PST
Well that's bad. It's like being an adolesence. Breaking and entering, petty theft, stalking, ect... You've could have went to eBay and bid on some used shoes or a website that's selling used shoes from a model. I had plenty of options to steal women shoes on my job, but I didn't. It just doesn't feel right. If she gave them to you or you bought them, it will be more like a consent. Chances in the future you'll get caught, be on the news and embarrass by your family and friends. Plus ja!l time and those pervets in ja!l would love for you to dress up.

So think first and look at the consequences.

Nov 30th, 2009, 9:03AM, PST
:evil: Eat my cunt fruit dick

Foot Loops
Nov 30th, 2009, 4:14PM, PST
Just by your response, tells me a lot about your intelligence and what kind of person you are. What's even more puzzling...how did you know her shoes would fit you? Or, are you making up stories.

Nov 30th, 2009, 8:45PM, PST
the moral of the lesson is don't say any neqative comments

Foot Loops
Nov 30th, 2009, 9:08PM, PST
Now, I understand why there aren't any replies here.

Dec 1st, 2009, 6:37AM, PST
:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: You are absolutely right King inverse! The moral of the story is; "keep your trap shut" UNless you have something nice and positive to say. That fruity tooty dude is new and does not realize I was making up the story for fantasy purposes only. But none the less; I'd also actually follow up and swipe a ladies sexy patent pumps if given half the chance,,whereas I have a shoe fetish and just love sniffing high heel shoes while I jack jack jack:lildog:

Foot Loops
Dec 1st, 2009, 10:24AM, PST
If you really think about it and take the time what I wrote, nothing bad was said about the author. For example, name calling (profanity). Infact smellnylonfeet started the name calling. What i'm saying is all FACTS.

I've seen people on the news, after getting caught when they let there foot fetish go to far. There are perveted imates in prison that love to see men dress in feminine attire.

I'm just giving the author a fair warning of what could really happen. Do a google/yahoo search on these subjects, you'll see.

Dec 1st, 2009, 12:26PM, PST
warninq or teachinq the poster a lesson is not acceptable in a sex forum, unless it is a video qame or sport forum, because they are count as uncontributive, uncontributive to the sex mood that is.

Dec 1st, 2009, 12:34PM, PST
for example, who likes to hear about cops and ja!l stuff in a sex forum.........nobody, see that's why.

Dec 1st, 2009, 9:46PM, PST
Never never mess with the smelly nylon cheese man at least not on the FC forums. I have locked antlers with him in the past but me and him were already respectful acquaintances and seasoned vets, he more than I, actually i haven't posted on these forums in quite some time. Don't get me wrong foot loops what you said wasn't terrible and don't let this "newbie-hazing" deter you from expressing your thoughts you are obviously an intelligent dude.

Hail king cheese pump!

Dec 2nd, 2009, 1:26AM, PST
no, foot loops, don't listen to that cunt that said that you are free to express your thouqhts here, matter of fact there are somethinq that's not so propriate to be said here, and both me and smellynylonfeet already judqe that what beinq said earlier was a neqative comments, so please reqard this. you are intelliqance loops

Dec 4th, 2009, 6:42PM, PST
I think people should have a right to comment however they would like. Just like the fact smelly is free to post whatever he wants. I'm not into it, but far be it for me to judge. FL did not seem to be making attacking comments, just made a random comment. Smelly typically always tends to overreact to any comments that aren't in favor of it. Hence the response to FL's post.

I just wish there was an option for ignoring the posts altogether.

Foot Loops
Dec 4th, 2009, 8:02PM, PST
Well said all. I think, I understand the lingo and politics now.