View Full Version : Open Question: Do some girls enjoy foot worship or adoration?

Jun 24th, 2008, 3:53PM, PDT
I just wanted to ask about foot fetishes. Do some girls have them and what sort of feeling does it give you that brings you enjoyment? What do those who enjoy it like to have done to them? I'm pretty open sexually when it comes to sexual activities between me and my girlfriend. But the other day a few minutes after we made love, she was trying to get us wound up and excited again, but she had stuck her foot in my face and was expecting me to attend to it, but I really didn't I just rubbed it and then moved on up. She later told me that she really would like me to try it and that she thinks it would feel real good if done after sex and after we both reached our climaxes or orgasms. I've never done it but I'm willing to try anything with her. So I'm really just seeking answers, suggestions and see if other females enjoy this as well. Also I wanted to know why after sex and orgasming? Does it cause more stimulation?

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