View Full Version : Open Question: Socks and Feet (Fetish)?

Jul 10th, 2008, 1:11AM, PDT
I have had a sock fetish since a few years ago, and I can't explain it, but I don't mind. I have two questions : First, is there any way that I could develop a foot (barefoot) fetish as well? Feet have never turned me off, and they have never turned me on as much as socks have, but I would like to be turned on by feet as well. Any tips on that? Second, I have lately been getting into erotic stories as odd as it may sound, and they're fine as they are, but they never use socks or barefeet as a theme, which would obviosuly be quite awesome for me if they did. If anyone knows an erotic stories site where they use barefeet/socks as a theme, or I can search to find those types of stories, please let me know. Thanks very much in advance!

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