Aug 29th, 2008, 3:46PM, PDT
:D :nut: :woohoo: :yum: :lildog: surely you like my high heels shoes? and bet your wh0re wife or slut girlfriend does'nt own any "bad boy" patent like these does she,,hee hee too bad. Cause you'd have blue nuts all the time if she did own and wear shoes like these. Surely you'd get very very jeolous when you took your sweetheart out to dinner and all the shoe pervo's such as myself was starring at her yum yum legs, feet, and shoes. I'd be headed to the mens room to jack off thinking about your pretty babe and her smelly patents that you never worship muck less smell!!! Let Stever have her heels for a couple minutes alone in the mens room,,,,,I'll return them to her FULL OF CUM!!!!!!!!!!