Aug 23rd, 2008, 8:23PM, PDT
I recently found out that my boyfriend of one year has a tickling and foot fetish - I only discovered this because I checked his emails without him knowing! He explained to me that he is confused and embarrassed about it and that's why he has never told me - and i accept/understand this completely! The problem is that I have accessed some of the sites he has been on and logged on as him and discovered that he was prepared to meet up with people off the net and the worse thing is he was going to PAY THEM so that he could tickle them!! I am completely gobsmacked and cant believe he wud do this! It's like I know one half of him really well but the other half is like a different person! I feel like he doesn't trust me (hence lying about things) and doens't have much respect for our relationshop if he was going to go elsewhere for 'things'!Any help would be appreciated SO much as I cant talk to anyone about this, apart frm my bf obviously! I really really need some advice! Thanks
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