Jan 9th, 2009, 6:52AM, PST
Hello! There is a huge market for selling worn shoes and socks on E-bay. Most likely the people buying these things have foot fetishes! Some of the people selling have gotten hundreds of dollars for their shoes and socks! There is no real contact with these people you're selling to, you just ship the shoes and get the money! I have NO kind of foot, shoe or sock fetish by the way... I just have some shoes that I'm thinking about selling. Should I sell them or is it too weird? I keep fighting with myself over whether or not it would make ME a pervert (I don't mean to hate on any of you who may have the fetish) to sell them... but $100 sounds too good to be true! I've talked to several of my friends and after seeing the profit you can make we are all considering doing it. They say "someone just wants your shoes. Just take the money and sell them." I even brought it up to my dad and he said "Do it! You would have just thrown the shoes away.. might as well get paid for them!" What's everyone else think about this? I don't wanna do something I'm going to regret or feel weird about later. THANKS!
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