View Full Version : Open Question: I really like him but his fetish is weirding me out....?

Dec 12th, 2008, 12:47PM, PST
well let me start by saying i'm totally into this guy, HOWEVER, he has some type of 'big toe' fetish. On our first date he begged me to take my socks off & when i did he didn't want me to put them back on. He had my feet in his lap the whole time and pretty much just stroked by big toe the entire time? I mean, he's funny & cute but Im getting worried. We haven't even kissed yet he's already licked BOTH of my big toes. Does that make any sense to u? I asked him if he had a foot fetish & he denies it, he just says he finds "the first toe intriguing". I feel kind of silly even explaining this but I can't stop thinking about it. I don't want to be shallow & get distant over something so stupid. What are your thoughts?

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