Mar 30th, 2007, 6:02AM, PDT
:P :P :P :P I like this pic alot. It looks like it must have been taken at one of the nascar races. I love seeing a chick wear pumps with short-shorts. And that is exactly what Pam is wearing here. Oh would I like to smell her shoes and jack off in them. Wonder if her feet and toes are a little bit stinky? Cause don't look like she is wearing pantyhose, so her bare feet in them pumps would make alot of sweat in there. I'd love to smell her feet and hopefully have them smell a bit cheesey with a little vinegar smell throwed in there too. Wonder if she has her toe nails painted? Boy's , would I like to take her to the nearest motel with her in this outfit. And I'd hire Tyler to video us:lildog: sniff sniff sniff sniff
Mar 30th, 2007, 4:28PM, PDT
it's good to see stevie-nylon is actually considering bare feet in those stinky pumps for a change!! if you were in a motel with her you better belive in a new york minute i'd be there to film!!! I'd also be filming with one hand by the way so I could take care of business with the other while she occasionally looks away from you to only be disgusted by the site of what I am doing.
I'd even take one of her pumps to stick it over my nose from time to time to while I filmed and make some grunt-like foot fetish noises to get her lip curdled expressions looking over at me the cameraman, LOL
stevei and i would have a contest of who could make the loudest foot fetish noises and get her attention!
Mar 31st, 2007, 7:52AM, PDT
:) Yeah your right Ty, Stevo has got to stop just wanting feet in nylon all the time. Because after looking at this pic of Pam, I'd absolutely "DIE" to smell her bare feet!!! Boy's, her bare feet would smell so very nice I'am sure. Especially after paradeing around in them nice pumps at that race track. Man does this pic make me horny and lust for Pam, her BARE feet, and her little piggie's,,,,wow:lildog:
Apr 2nd, 2007, 3:18PM, PDT
that's funny steve-o cuz as you're craving a little more bare nowadays, i'm starting to crave more nylons, LOL