Oct 30th, 2007, 6:10PM, PDT
I am 15 and have known I had a foot fetish as long as I can remember. My fetish has become more prevalent, to the point that I mastubate with shoes. I have always thought that girl's feet and shoes are sexy, but I was just wondering if it was too far to masturbate with a shoe. I have never actually told a person about it, other than on the internet. I am ashamed, embarassed, and overall ambivalent about it. I will not tell my parents, because that would be just awkward, and weird. The same way with my friends. Just wanted some people to give me an honest answer about it.Yes I should add it is a foot fetish as well. I would love to have foot jobs in my future sex life. But just for now is the shoe thing acceptable.
More... (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071030175430AANbj1R)
More... (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071030175430AANbj1R)